

Bovine Rota-Coronavirus Vaccine

(Modified-Live Virus)


For vaccination of healthy newborn calves or pregnant cows as an aid in preventing diarrhea (scours) caused by bovine rotavirus and coronavirus.

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    • For oral vaccination of newborn calves or intramuscular (IM) vaccination of pregnant cows.
    • Cow vaccination stimulates maternal antibodies, which are transferred to nursing calves via colostrum and milk.
    • Aids in preventing two of the most prevalent forms of viral scours.
    • Oral vaccination of calves with a single 3 mL dose should occur as soon as possible after birth and before ingestion of colostrum.
    • Cows should receive two IM 3 mL doses administered 3-6 weeks apart during late pregnancy. Ideally, the second dose should be administered within 30 days prior to calving. Annual revaccination of cows with two doses during each subsequent pregnancy.
  • 1. General Directions: Vaccination of healthy newborn calves or pregnant cows is recommended. Aseptically rehydrate the freeze-dried vaccine with the sterile diluent provided, shake well, and administer 3 mL without delay.

    2. Calf Vaccination: Remove needle from syringe and administer a single 3 mL dose into the back of the calf's mouth. Vaccination should occur as soon as possible after birth because susceptible calves are at risk as soon as they are born. Vaccination of calves older than 1 day may not be effective.

    3. Cow Vaccination: Healthy cows should receive 2 intramuscular doses administered 3-6 weeks apart during late pregnancy. Ideally, the second dose should be administered within 30 days prior to calving. In accordance with Beef Quality Assurance guidelines, this product should be administered in the muscular region of the neck. 4. Cow Revaccination: Cows should be revaccinated with 2 doses during each subsequent pregnancy.

    5. Good animal husbandry and herd health management practices should be employed.