Bronchicine CAe®
is unlike any other Bordetella bronchiseptica vaccine.
When you look at your options for Bordetella bronchiseptica vaccines, one stands out. BRONCHICINE CAe is the only killed (non-infectious) canineBordetella bronchiseptica vaccine on the market.1 BRONCHICINE CAe is safe, effective and easy to administer, and it provides veterinarians and pet owners with peace of mind.
BRONCHICINE CAe is the only parenteral B. bronchiseptica vaccine for dogs.
Bordetella pertussis and B. bronchiseptica are closely related.2
The presence of vaccine-induced serum antibodies is a good correlate of immunity against B. pertussis in children3 and against B. bronchiseptica in dogs.4
Effective and Safe
Less than 1 lack of efficacy reported per 10,000 doses.5
Parenterally administered BRONCHICINE CAe vaccine has been demonstrated to have a low rate of AEs associated with administration.
Less than 1 AE reported per 10,000 doses.5
Please note that this is a general product information according to US approvals, for specific regulatory information concerning your market please contact Regulatory department email: