You may know that REVOLUTION® (selamectin) is the veterinarian’s #1 choice in feline heartworm disease prevention, but did you also know that it is the #1 choice in feline flea control?1 Your patients deserve proven protection, and you can provide it to them by recommending REVOLUTION.
Kills adult fleas; prevents flea eggs from hatching
Treats and controls roundworm (Toxocara cati) and hookworm (Ancylostoma tubaeforme) infections and ear mites
Protects against heartworm disease caused by Dirofilaria immitis
Heartworm-positive cats can be given REVOLUTION to prevent further infection from larvae
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A recent study showed complete protection from Heartworm Associated Respiratory Disease (HARD) 2
No need to separate treated pets from family or other pets
Easy-to-administer monthly dose is non-greasy and dries quickly
FDA-approved, prescription-only medication is safe in breeding, pregnant and lactating cats
Do not use REVOLUTION on sick, weak, or underweight cats. Use only on cats 8 weeks and older. Side effects may include digestive upset and temporary hair loss at application site with possible inflammation. In people, REVOLUTION may be irritating to skin and eyes. Wash hands after use.

1VetInsite™ Analytics 2014. Zoetis Data on File.
2Dillon AR, Tillson DM, Wooldridge A, et al. Heartworm-associated respiratory disease (HARD): induction and reversibility relative to tissue larval stage and Wolbachia status. In: Heartworms Today; The Search for Solutions: Proceedings of the 2013 Triennial Symposium, New Orleans, LA, September 8-10, 2013. Wilmington, DE: American Heartworm Society; 2013:30-31.
3Blagburn BL, Dillon AR. Feline heartworm disease: solving the puzzle. Vet Med. March 2007 (suppl);7-14.
4Companion Animal Parasite Council. Current advice on parasite control: heartworm - feline heartworm. Available at: http://www.capcvet.org/capc-recommendations/feline-heartworm. Accessed May 20, 2014.
5Nelson CT. HARD luck story: recognizing heartworm-associated respiratory disease. DX Consult. 2008;1(2):8-11.
6Yin S. Update on heartworm infection. Vet Forum (Veterinary Learning Systems). June 2007;24(6):42-43.
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Warning(s): For veterinary use only.